At 10 am this morning; I arrived to Max and Mickey setting up the Crop Swap space and already there were collard greens, parsley, onions, Swiss chard, purple mustard greens, cactus, dried dill herb and more. I added herbs from the Victory Garden Foundation's garden: lovage, rosemary, pineapple sage, chicory, basil, and more.
First, I needed a cup of the wonderful dripped coffee from Chris and his coffee partner.
Throughout the morning, many people stopped by; and I grabbed a bag of dehydrated, seasoned kale. Oh, how yummy.
By 1 pm, we swapped, bartered, traded Asian pears (Thanks Marcy), peppermint, trade to volunteer to forage, a trade to give a chicken to a new home (Let me know if you have a home for a chicken that needs a little love), a trade to create a recipe from some of the ingredients on the table, and just sharing time together sharing stories.
We provided packages of Swiss chard, Brussel sprouts, lettuce, and broccoli seeds while Phat Beets provided six packs of Asian purple mustard greens to grow right at home.

And I couldn't leave without purchasing a Beet Box or two. I gave one of the Beet Boxes away for a family in need. The cukes, squash, corn, broccoli, green beans, sweet potatoes, watermelon, nectarines, carrots, onions, and more are just wonderful. (I didn't get a chance to take photos of everything - besides I ate half the watermelon already.) I'm looking forward to dinner this weekend.
Every 1st Saturday of the month - Come on out to 57th and Market to the North Oakland Farmers' Market to swap, barter, and trade your home grown food. If you missed it today; please come out in September. Some people actually traded their contact information for food. And, I look forward to sharing with you the Crop Swap Veggie-Herb recipe that we'll receive from Kenner.
By next month, we should have plums, Asian Pears foraged by Pilar, Becca, Linci, and Sophia. I'm also looking forward to the lemons, zucchini, and tomatoes from Glory, apples from Victoria, and the many surprises from your backyard gardens.
Please be sure to spread the word about this fantastic Monthly Crop Swap at the North Oakland Farmers' Market. Make this a weekly stop on Saturdays to Order your Beet Box for pickup; to purchase your organic fruits and vegetables from our local farmers along with edible plants from People's Grocery. Let's support our local farmers and backyard gardens.
Gotta go ... but will see you soon .. V!
Victory V Lee, Founder
Victory Garden Foundation (sign up for our newsletter)
Follow up on Twitter and Facebook!
Visit our fun Family website: Barretts World for activities you can do with your children in the garden.
Need some edible gardening information? Visit The Victory Patch
Great to meet you, and a wonderful market! The swap booth is the perfect way to meet new friends and to share food outside the money system.